

  • May Dwi Yuri Santoso RSUD dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen


Abstrak Pandemi COVID-19 mengakibatkan peningkatan beban pelayanan kesehatan tenaga kesehatan yang berpotensi mempengaruhi kualitas pelayanan kesehatan, produktivitas pelayanan tenaga kesehatan yang dapat berdampak pada gangguan kesehatan mental tenaga kesehatan sehingga akan berisiko untuk terjadinya burnout. Pengkajian sistematis faktor penyebab burnout yang telah dipublikasikan dari berbagai Negara dapat menjadi salah satu upaya untuk menentukan langkah preventif, kuratif dan rehabilitatif tenaga kesehatan yang mengalami burnout akibat COVID-19 di Indonesia. Pencarian sistematis dilakukan pada Maret-April 2021. Basis data yang digunakan: PubMed, Google Scholar dan Spingerlink. Kata kunci: “COVID 19 and burnout and Health workers†dan “COVID 19 and burnoutâ€, “COVID 19 and burnout and Health workers and factors associatedâ€. Pelaporan tinjauan sistematis ini berpedoman pada Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Terdapat 9 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan melibatkan 10.517 tenaga kesehatan dari seluruh dunia. Sebagian besar burnout disebabkan oleh meningkatnya beban kerja dengan semakin lama dalam tindakan pencegahan ekstra, perubahan tim, penyebaran dampak pandemi dan masalah birokrasi akan menguras tenaga serta pikiran tenaga kesehatan, terutama yang bekerja menangani langsung pasien COVID-19. Kata Kunci: COVID-19, burnout, tenaga kesehatan Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an increase in the burden of health care for health workers which has the potential to affect the quality of health services, productivity of health worker services which can have an impact on mental health disorders of health workers so that it will be at risk of burnout. The published systematic study of the causes of burnout from various countries can be an effort to determine preventive, curative and rehabilitative steps for health workers who experience burnout due to COVID-19 in Indonesia. A systematic search was carried out in March-April 2021. Databases used: PubMed, Google Scholar and Spingerlink. Keywords: "COVID 19 and burnout and Health workers" and "COVID 19 and burnout", "COVID 19 and burnout and Health workers and factors associated". This systematic review reporting is guided by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA). There were 9 articles that met the inclusion criteria and involved 10,517 health workers from around the world. Most of the burnout is caused by the increasing workload with the longer taking extra precautions, team changes, the spread of the impact of the pandemic and bureaucratic problems that will drain the health and minds of health workers, especially those who work directly with COVID-19 patients. Keywords: COVID-19, burnout, health workers


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